Monday, September 20, 2010

QBG Project, Workshop 1

It was a beautiful day to be outside- a definite contrast to two days prior when a tornado ripped through Queens and left a great deal of destruction. The Botanical Garden took a beating that left 20 large trees strewn about the grounds with gaping holes from the trees that were uprooted. The wedding garden was a mess. A beautiful, large weeping willow was felled by the storm and the branches and parts of the trunk were all over the placed. Thus the wedding that was scheduled there for Saturday got moved to the terrace... right where my workshop was set up. Needless to say folks were intimidated to get too close lest they disturb the wedding and in turn left me with a lack of attendees. We're switching up some details for next weekend's workshop which should help with getting folks participating. Oh well, at least I got some good work in. Below are some shots from the day.

On the 7 train heading to the garden. I had more people talk to me on the train than I did at the garden!
Gathering materials from the compost pile.
Hauling branches from the wedding garden. I figured I might as well try and turn the destruction into something positive by using the debris for the project.

Stripping the leaves off the branches. The leaves get too brittle once they are dry to use for the sculpture.
The gathered materials.

Amaranth, prepped and ready to be added.

Attaching prairie grass to the sleeves. The bulk of the garment will be made from grass and willow branches. The amaranth will be added on the borders.

You can see the wedding going on behind me.

A good start.


  1. Looking good! Can't wait to see the finished piece. :)

  2. Beautiful! I'm so proud of you and all you're bringing to the community. Keep it up!
