This is a multi prong post folks.
First, the announcement.
I blogged about my internal dilemma last year
(here) regarding being an artist, a female, maintaining some professional life and the possibility of becoming a parent. Well, rather than just keep thinking about, and thinking myself out of it, we've decided to put the experiment into action. June baby on the way-watch out world!
Here's a shot of the bump, and my other baby snuggled up on the right. He might be hugging the belly now, but we think sir charles will be a bit of a jealous monster later on....
Second, in light of baby a comin' (we've nick-named him "Bean" by the way) I need to make some space both at home and at the studio.
I'm going to try my hand at setting up both spaces to allow me to work at nap times, at least once we get our schedule down a bit. It will be an adventure, but we're going to give it a shot.
SO, I NEED TO CLEAR OUT SOME ART! And what better way to do that than to have a SALE!
March 1-April 10
©Susan Springer Anderson, Turquoise Turn .01, 2012, pen and ink on paper, 10x10" |
So head over to my
Spring Art Sale page, to check out all the works that have had some dollar signs chipped off the price.
Third, clearly I haven't been blogging much over the last six months.... or 7,...hmm, 8?... Ouch. I haven't gotten the balance down so well between part-time work, full time
etsy store, and studio time, plus communicating with the world. Then there were those 4 sneaky months of feeling like I had zero energy to even pick out clothes in the morning. Some weeks it's been just tough to drag myself to the studio and crank out a drawing (especially since painting has been nixed with the pregnancy). However, I've got a few more months where it seems like the time window might open a bit wider, and my energy level is up, before Bean makes his arrival. I'm going to do my best to stay in touch during this time.
Now, do me a favor.
Think about mother's day, father's day, graduation, your best friend's birthday OR just that big empty spot on your wall crying out for some original art to give it some personality, and
go buy art!
©Susan Springer Anderson, Baby doll, 2007